Goals....now that is a word that we hear daily in education. Why do we need goals? What is the purpose of setting goals? Well....
Goals lead us to planning. Planning?!!! Another word we hear daily in education. Planning is a part of the art of education. Everyone involved in a school plans!
Teachers plan lessons...
Teachers plan transitions...
Teachers plan brain breaks...
Teachers plan assessments...
Much of what teachers do is centered around planning. So setting goals for ourselves and for our students AND with our students leads us to planning. Planning for success!
This year I have BIG goals which require BIG plans!
Goal #1 - Build Relationships
I have been building relationships since the first day I set foot into a classroom on a school campus some 17 years ago. I continue to build relationships with students, teachers, administrators, professors and community members. I know that relationships are worth the time and effort...and they make my heart happy! I build relationships because I care. I care about the 5th grade student who slept on the couch of a neighbor. I care about the teacher who came to work today despite having a rough night. I care about the parents who make sure their kids get to school each day. I care about education. When we care about those around us, they perform better. We perform better.
You know what Rita said....
By building relationships with students we become their champion! Not all students come to school with a champion and it is our job to make sure they all have one (or two, or three...)!
I won't deny that sometimes it can be hard. Really, really hard! Some students just aren't having it, right? I always keep this in mind....
Goal #2 - Read more!
I know....sounds silly, but really...I want to read more. I am pretty sure my husband is going to block me from ordering books from Amazon some day. I am constantly reading blogs, newsletters and posts about education and when book is recommended, I look into it. I would say that 9 times out of 10 I order the book. Hence, I have a pile of books just waiting to be read! This year, I will have more time for reading and I am going to try my hardest to split my reading time 50/50 between leisure reading and reading from my educational book stack from Amazon. (Seriously, you can buy with one-click!)
Here are a few that I have in my stack...
Goal #3 - Take it all in!
Just a few weeks ago I graduated from Northern Arizona University with a second master degree. This time in Educational Leadership because I want to be a principal. While lots of teachers grew up saying their wanted to be a teacher, I was the little girl who wanted to be a principal! What?! YEP!
I am fortunate to be in a position as an administrator in a K-5 elementary school at this time. I am learning so much each day. As the year wraps up and a new school year begins, I want to take it all in. I have a notebook where I jot down things I want to remember when I am a principal. Sometimes it is advice I receive or an observation that I make. My goal is to take more time to be reflective and record more in my notebook.
Build relationships, read more and be more reflective! My goals for 2016!
Happy New Year to All! Let's do this!