Saturday, September 6, 2014

New Math game......We LOVE Math!

I have finally finished the last touches to the sister product of my We LOVE Math Addition game and now have the SUBTRACTION edition!

I am always looking for strategies to engage ALL students. So often when our students play games in centers they are not engaged until each time it is their turn. After a few brainstorming sessions with my good pals, Andrea and Azure, I have finally created a math computation game that keeps all players engaged and computing with each players turn!

Each player gets a game board. Cards are shuffled and placed face down. Players take turns drawing a card. The card might have a subtraction sentence on it, or the difference. If the card has a number sentence on it, all players have to compute the difference to see if they have that digit, or the difference, on their board to cover. If a player draws a card with the difference then each player computes number sentences on their board to find one that goes with it to be able to cover it.

The winner is the first person to cover all spots on their board.

The ONLY time that all players do not compute is when someone draws a WE LOVE Math card and exclaims WE LOVE MATH! This is considered the 'wild' card and the players who draws it gets to cover an open space on their board, but the other players do not.

You should really check it out! I am planning on creating multiplication and division editions in the near future!

I would love to hear your feedback on my newest product! Please feel free to leave a comment.

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